The people have voted in Zurich on a beautiful Sunday in May 2022:
They have voted for a net-zero goal in the constitution of the canton
of Zürich (Switzerland)! This is remarkable and we at QL are glad, to
support this vision with our alternative proteins.
Climate protection has become a ground principle in politics. Finally, one might be inclined to
think. What was un-imaginable just a few years ago is now a reality: Climate protection - or
more concretely – the reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions is not an option anymore, but a
Yesterday, the people in the canton Zürich (in Switzerland) have voted to accept a new
constitutional principle of a "net-zero" society by 2040. And it wasn't even a close call: three
quarter of all Zürich people said YES to this article which anchors climate protection and a
"net-zero" goal by 2040 in the constitution of the canton of Zürich.
We at QL are not surprised by this outcome because we know that the reduction of
greenhouse gases is one of the key problems of today and we are proud that we are working
on a solution that helps significantly reducing greenhouse-gas emissions while providing highquality proteins.
Related article in Zürich Newspaper: